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Single-Table Inheritance with Transfer

I want to talk about object inheritance, which may sound a bit enigmatic, so I'm going to start with an example:

Let's say I have a number of types of Employees that I'm trying to model. I have Developers, who have attributes such as favouriteLanguage and enjoysDeathMetal and behaviours such as code() and test(). I have Designers, who have attributes such as favouriteColour and toleratesDevelopers and behaviours such as makePretty() and makePrettier(). And I have Analysts, who have attributes such as levelOfAttentionToDetail and totalPagesOfRequirementsProduced and behaviours such as ask() and tell().

In addition to those specific attributes and behaviours, all of these employee types also share some common attributes, such as userName, firstName and lastName and also have common behaviours such as startDay(), takeBreak() and askForRaise().

This is an example of inheritance, a form of one-to-one relationship. We can say that a Developer is an Employee, a Designer is an Employee and an Analyst is an Employee. It is not an example of composition. We would not say that a Developer has an Employee or that an Employee has a Developer. The terms that are commonly used to describe this relationship between classes are Supertype and Subtype. Employee is a Supertype, while Developer, Designer and Analyst are all Subtypes of Employee.

So, the question is, how do I implement this model using Transfer?

My first inclination was to attempt Multi-Table Inheritance, which is a fancy way of saying that I'd have an Employee table that stores all of the common attributes, and I'd have three additional tables, one for each EmployeeType that stores their specific attributes. For example, I'd have a Developer table with columns for favouriteLanguage and enjoysDeathMetal. Unfortunately, try as I might, I could not get that to work with Transfer without using a OneToMany or a ManyToOne. And I really don't want to use a OneToMany or a ManyToOne to represent what's really a OneToOne. As I've already described, this is an example of inheritance, not composition. So instead I opted to try Single-Table Inheritance.

Single-Table Inheritance means, simply, that there's only one table, the Employee table. It contains columns for all of the common attributes and columns for all of the specific attributes. Each of the columns that is specific to one EmployeeType allows nulls, so a record for a Developer would only have data populated into the favouriteLanguage and enjoysDeathMetal columns, while the favouriteColour and levelOfAttentionToDetail columns would contain nulls.

Those of you who are fond of normalization, as I am, will cringe a bit, but really, normalization is a bit passé these days. With the cost of disk space dropping all the time and the speed of processors increasing, denormalization has become downright acceptable. But I digress. What I chose to attempt to implement is this Single Table Inheritance scheme using Transfer. Actually that's not entirely accurate, really Paul Marcotte and I chose to attempt this - we worked together on this solution so these ideas are as much his as they are mine.

Anyway, what would the transfer.xml file for this look like? I'm going to start with a simple example, which is not ideal, and then add to it to address its inherent problem:

view plain print about
1<package name="employee">
2    <object name="Developer" table="tblEmployee" decorator="Developer">
3        <id name="userName" type="string" />
4        <property name="firstName" type="string" />
5        <property name="lastName" type="string" />
6        <property name="FavouriteLanguage" type="string" />
7        <property name="enjoysDeathMetal" type="boolean" />
8    </object>
9    <object name="Designer" table="tblEmployee" decorator="Designer">
10        <id name="userName" type="string" />
11        <property name="firstName" type="string" />
12        <property name="lastName" type="string" />
13        <property name="FavouriteColour" type="string" />
14        <property name="toleratesDevelopers" type="boolean" />
15    </object>
16    <object name="Analyst" table="tblEmployee" decorator="Analyst">
17        <id name="userName" type="string" />
18        <property name="firstName" type="string" />
19        <property name="lastName" type="string" />
20        <property name="levelOfAttentionToDetail" type="string" />
21        <property name="totalPagesOfRequirementsProduced" type="numeric" />
22    </object>

What I've done is define three separate objects to Transfer, each of which points to the same table. For each object I only define those properties that are valid to that object. For example, the Developer object has a FavouriteLanguage property but not a FavouriteColour property. In terms of behaviours, I create an Employee.cfc decorator (the Supertype) that contains all of my common methods, e.g., askForRaise(), and I create decorators for each of the employee types (Subtypes) which extend the Supertype's decorator. For example, Developer.cfc extends Employee.cfc and it includes the method code(). This all works quite well, but there's a problem.

The problem is how to protect the integrity of the Subtypes. What do I mean by that? Here's an example:

Let's say there's a Developer named Bob in the system. I could say:

view plain print about
1objDeveloper = Transfer.get("employee.Developer","Bob");

And I'd get back a Developer object for Bob. I could then call getFavouriteLanguage() and askForRaise() and code() on that object. Fine. But what if I did this:

view plain print about
1objDesigner = Transfer.get("employee.Designer","Bob");

Hmm, now I have a Designer object, but it's not valid because really the employee I'm dealing with is a developer. I can no longer call getFavouriteLanguage() nor code() on the object, but I can call getFavouriteColour() and makePretty() on the object, which would probably end up badly, considering that Bob is really a developer, not a designer. So this is a problem. But there's a solution. Enter EmployeeType.

First we create an object for EmployeeType, and then we create a ManyToOne between each of our Subtypes and EmployeeType. For example, Developer has a ManyToOne pointing to EmployeeType. Finally, we change the Subtypes to use a composite key instead of a single id. So the key to Developer, for example, is no longer just userName. It's now userName plus EmployeeType. Now, whenever we want to ask for an instance of an employee, we will specify both the userName and the EmployeeType. This "specifying the EmployeeType" will happen automatically in the Gateway - we won't have to do it manually. To take a look at this implementation let's start with the transfer.xml:

view plain print about
1<package name="employee">
2    <object name="Developer" table="tblEmployee" decorator="Developer">
3        <compositeid>
4            <property name="userName" />
5            <manytoone name="EmployeeType" />
6        </compositeid>
7        <property name="userName" type="string" />
8        <property name="firstName" type="string" />
9        <property name="lastName" type="string" />
10        <property name="FavouriteLanguage" type="string" />
11        <property name="enjoysDeathMetal" type="boolean" />
12        <manytoone name="EmployeeType">
13            <link to="employee.EmployeeType" column="employeeTypeId"/>
14        </manytoone>
15    </object>
16    <object name="Designer" table="tblEmployee" decorator="Designer">
17        <compositeid>
18            <property name="userName" />
19            <manytoone name="EmployeeType" />
20        </compositeid>
21        <property name="userName" type="string" />
22        <property name="firstName" type="string" />
23        <property name="lastName" type="string" />
24        <property name="FavouriteColour" type="string" />
25        <property name="toleratesDevelopers" type="boolean" />
26        <manytoone name="EmployeeType">
27            <link to="employee.EmployeeType" column="employeeTypeId"/>
28        </manytoone>
29    </object>
30    <object name="Analyst" table="tblEmployee" decorator="Analyst">
31        <compositeid>
32            <property name="userName" />
33            <manytoone name="EmployeeType" />
34        </compositeid>
35        <property name="userName" type="string" />
36        <property name="firstName" type="string" />
37        <property name="lastName" type="string" />
38        <property name="levelOfAttentionToDetail" type="string" />
39        <property name="totalPagesOfRequirementsProduced" type="numeric" />
40        <manytoone name="EmployeeType">
41            <link to="employee.EmployeeType" column="employeeTypeId"/>
42        </manytoone>
43    </object>
44    <object name="EmployeeType" table="tblEmployeeType">
45        <id name="employeeTypeId" type="numeric" />
46        <property name="name" type="string" />
47        <property name="description" type="string" />
48    </object>

This transfer.xml just implements everything discussed in the previous paragraph. It should be fairly straightforward. So, how do we use it? Well, all of our calls to Transfer.get() are centralized in a Gateway, thereby encapsulating database access. So all we have to do is something like this, in our Gateway code:

view plain print about
1<cffunction name="get" access="public" returntype="any">
2    <cfargument name="userName" type="any" required="true">
3    <cfset var theKey = StructNew() />
4    <cfset theKey.userName = arguments.userName />
5    <cfset theKey.employeeType = getEmployeeTypeId("Developer") />
6    <cfreturn getTransfer().get("employee.Developer",theKey) />
9<cffunction name="getEmployeeTypeId" access="private" returntype="any">
10    <cfargument name="EmployeeType" type="any" required="true">
11    <cfreturn getTransfer()
12        .readByProperty("employee.EmployeeType","Name",arguments.EmployeeType)
13        .getEmployeeTypeId() />


What you see above is a concrete example of how it actually works, (that code would reside in DeveloperGateway.cfc) but my actual code is quite different from the above because it's based on abstract classes. I don't want to complicate things here by getting into the details, but basically I have an EmployeeGateway which contains parameterized code which is then inherited by the DeveloperGateway, DesignerGateway and AnalystGateway, none of which have any code in them at all. So all that hardcoded stuff that points to "Developer" is nonexistent in my code.

The bottom line is that I can call a getDeveloper() method or a getDesigner() method from my Service, passing only the userName, and be assured that I'll always get a valid object back.

This seems like a pretty neat solution to the problem, but so far it's only been used in theoretical situations. Can anyone see any problems with it that we haven't thought of?

Great post! I might be missing something but why haven't you used an id for each employee type (Developer etc)?
# Posted By John Whish | 1/29/09 9:08 AM
I'm not sure I understand the question. I _am_ using an id for each employee type. That's what the tblEmployeeType table is for. There is an object defined to that table in transfer.xml called EmployeeType, and then there's a M2O relationship between each subtype object (e.g., Developer) and that EmployeeType object. So in the database there is an EmployeeTypeId (e.g., Developer = 1), but as far as the Developer object is concerned that Id does not exist. That's just standard Transfer composition for you.

I'm not sure if that addresses your question. if not, could you rephrase the question or be a bit more specific?
# Posted By Bob Silverberg | 1/29/09 10:55 AM
@Bob, as your system grow more complex your tblEmployee is going to continue to grow in terms of the number of columns. Do you foresee running into scalability walls? I know that databases *can* have hundreds of columns, but is that reasonable to work with? I'm sure it will depend on what you put into those columns (bits vs. XML packets).

I'm currently working on a "Feature" object for my customer which models what capabilities are turned on and off (SaaS). I'm debating how to model it in Transfer and how to persist it; a little different from this but thanks for the additional food for thought.
# Posted By Brian | 1/29/09 8:29 PM
@Brian: This was really just an experiment. Sort of a "can we get this to work" exercise. Whether this approach makes sense in the context of a particular hierarchy would depend on the domain. I imagine there are cases where one might model a domain and it would become evident that there is very little chance of additional subtypes being added, or limited subtypes anyway. In that case, this approach might make sense. If one foresees the number of subtypes, and their attributes, changing frequently then perhaps this approach wouldn't be a good one to take.

As I mentioned in the post, my first inclination when presented with a model like this would be to use multiple tables, but I cannot do that with Transfer in the way that I'd like. So this is an alternative. I guess the answer to the question of whether this is a reasonable, scalable solution is, as usual, "it depends."
# Posted By Bob Silverberg | 1/29/09 9:50 PM
Hi Bob - sorry just read it again and realised how badly I'd written my comment!

What I was thinking was how do I do a Transfer.get() for a particular Developer. I hadn't realised that the get method can accept either a string or a structure so it all makes sense now :)
# Posted By John Whish | 1/30/09 5:58 AM
Excellent Stuff Bob!

I found your blog this morning when searching for your copyToStruct() method for abstract decorators and after reading some of your articles this morning have had my eyes opened to some of the possibilities of Transfer.

I have always wanted a clean way to implement inheritance in Transfer, I have a couple of places within my core business application which use this kind of model and until now I've always been reccomened to change to composition but that always seemed inappropriate for my use case, your solution solves my problem!!

Thanks a great deal.

# Posted By Robert Rawlins | 4/21/09 5:34 AM