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Placing Config Files Under Version Control with Git and GitHub

Working with Git, I've become aware of the fact that there are certain config files on my machine which require customization and therefore would be nice to have under version control. These files are often referred to as dot files, or dotfiles, as their names all start with a dot. The three files that I currently have under version control are .bash_profile, .gitconfig and .gitignore. The first two of those files expect to reside in my home directory, but the way Git works, in order to place them under version control they need to reside in a folder that is also a Git repository.

For obvious reasons I don't want to make my home directory a Git repo, but there's a simple solution to this problem. Using symbolic links, a topic that I discussed in an earlier blog post, I can keep my dotfiles in a Git repo, and also continue to use them as live config files. Here is a step-by-step guide to getting your dotfiles under version control with Git:

1. Open a Terminal window.

2. Change to a directory in which you want to put your Git repo. E.g.,

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1cd ~/gitRepos

3. Create a directory called 'dotfiles':

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1mkdir dotfiles

4. Change back to your home directory:

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1cd ~/

5. Move your dotfiles from your home directory into the dotfiles directory, and lose the dot. E.g.,

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1mv .bash_profile ~/gitRepos/dotfiles/bash_profile

6. Create a symbolic link from the newly moved file to the location it is expected to be. E.g.,

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1ln -s -i -v ~/gitRepos/dotfiles/bash_profile .bash_profile

7. Change to the dotfiles directory. E.g.,

view plain print about
1cd ~/gitRepos/dotfiles

8. Create a new Git repository:

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1git init

9. Add all the files in the current directory to the repo:

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1git add .

10. Commit the files to the Git repo:

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1git commit -m 'storing initial dotfiles in repo'

That's it. Your dotfiles are now under Git version control. It would be nice to have these files backed up somewhere though, don't you think? And also nice to be able to keep these files in sync if you have multiple machines on which you work. Enter GitHub.

I discussed getting set up with Git and GitHub in a previous post, so let's assume that you've got a GitHub account. Here are the steps to getting your local dotfiles repo linked with one on GitHub:

1. Create a new repository on GitHub called 'dotfiles'.

2. In a terminal window, change to your repo's directory. E.g.,

view plain print about
1cd ~/gitRepos/dotfiles

3. Specify GitHub as a remote repository. E.g.,

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1git remote add origin [email protected]:bobsilverberg/dotfiles.git

Note that the last part of that command, the one that says "[email protected]:bobsilverberg/dotfiles.git" is the same as the one listed as Your Clone URL on the GitHub home page for your project.

4. Push your files to GitHub:

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1git push origin master

That's really it. Your local Git repo is now linked with your remote Git repo on GitHub. Any time you make new commits to your local repo, just push those changes to GitHub and you'll be backed up. You can also take advantage of the fact that your config files are now available on GitHub and keep multiple machines in sync. I'll discuss how to do that in a future post.

I scanned through your post and will actually read it on the commute home. When you mentioned .gitignore, one nice thing is the git config --global core.excludesfile command, I am using it to up common ignore folder and files into it so I have a central place. Folder specific, then I drop in the .gitignore
# Posted By Michael Henke | 10/30/09 4:04 PM
Good point Mike. I found that there are a few different ways to configure Git to ignore files, each with a different level of granularity. I'm actually planning a post about that as well.
# Posted By Bob Silverberg | 10/30/09 5:51 PM