Photo from Chile

cf.Objective() 2011 - Deliberations Have Begun

The Call for Speakers for cf.Objective() 2011 has now ended and thus begins the gargantuan task of choosing which sessions to include at this year's conference. The Content Advisory Board is already hard at work reviewing proposals which we'll be discussing over the next couple of weeks.

For those that are interested, we've received 154 proposals from 69 speakers. Most every topic you can imagine is represented, and we've had a large number of proposals in some topic areas that are fairly new to cf.Objective(). For example we've had 17 proposals for JavaScript talks, 9 of which involve jQuery, and 6 of those involve jQuery Mobile. We've had 13 proposals for talks about Mobile development, 9 proposals for talks on REST and 4 proposals for talks about noSQL databases.

As mentioned above we hope to have some announcements about the sessions and speakers chosen within the next two weeks or so.

Dear Content Advisory Board...

A vote for me is worth free beer. Yes you heard that right, I am bribing you with beer!
# Posted By Dan Vega | 1/11/11 2:37 PM